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hippos (sussita) excavations Project

Hippos Excavations is among the largest archaeological Classical period expeditions in Israel. The logistics of fieldwork, post-processing of finds, laboratory analysis and publication are financially demanding.
Individuals and organizations can contribute funds for research of our choice or for a specific project. The general contribution carries naming opportunities, for a piece of the site or for a scholarship fund. Specific projects for which funding can be provided are, for example, excavation and conservation of a Byzantine church at the site, or publication of a book about current research from Hippos.
Please do not hesitate to get in touch with Dr. Michael Eisenberg for further information.
We thank you in advance for considering a contribution. Any sum will help us in expending the research.
We would like to thank the following individuals and organizations that contributed to continued success of our project:
The Zinman Institute of Archaeology
The Jordan Valley Regional Council
Moledet Foundation
The Israel Science Foundation
Golan Heights Winery
Mr. Howard M. Sherman from Michigan, USA
Mr. Abraham D. Sofaer from the US
Mr. Sam Turner from the US
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